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Organic Turkey

The best of the best. Our organic turkeys are juicy and flavorful with 20% more breast meat. Fed an all-vegetable diet of organic grains, they are free to roam and roost. Available seasonally.

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  • No Hexane
    Most poultry producers use hexane-processed soybeans as a cheap source of chicken feed. But hexane pollutes the air and environment. We keep chemicals out of our feed.
  • No DDGS
    DDGS is a protein alternative producers can get at a lower cost than corn. Antibiotics are used to control bacteria in the fermentation process. Some antibiotics remain in the DDGS. We use only corn and soybeans for protein. Period.
  • No Hormones
    This product is free from artificial growth hormones.
  • No Junk
    This product is made with no fillers, no preservatives and no artificial flavors—in other words, no junk.
  • No Antibiotics
    Bell & Evans is the first company to raise 100% of our flocks without antibiotics—from the egg throughout the chicken’s entire lifespan.
  • Free Range
  • Cage Free
    We give our chickens full access to the entire chicken house, plus enrichments such as ramps and tunnels.

Cooking Instructions


  1. Preheat oven to 425° F
  2. Remove giblets and neck from body and neck cavities and rinse turkey thoroughly in cool water. Pat dry with a paper towel.
  3. Rub the turkey with melted butter or olive oil and generously season with salt and pepper. Place your desired aromatics in the cavity of the turkey.  We recommend garlic, onion, celery, carrot and thyme.
  4. Tie the drumsticks together with twine and tuck the wings under the body. Transfer to a roasting pan breast side up.
  5. Place in the oven – uncovered – for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, pour 1 cup of water or stock into the pan and cover loosely with aluminum foil and place back into oven.
  6. Reduce the heat to 325° F for the remaining roasting time (see our roasting chart below).
  7. One hour prior to finished time, remove the aluminum foil to allow the skin to brown.
  8. At the end of roasting time, use a meat thermometer to confirm the internal temperature has reached 173° F.
  9. NOTE:  All of our turkeys contain a pop-up timer.  When the pop-up timer pops up, that is a great time to check the internal temperature of your turkey to ensure it is 173° F.
  10. Discard any aromatics from the cavity. Let the turkey rest for at least 20 minutes prior to carving
8 – 12 lbs2 – 3 hours
12 – 16 lbs3 – 4 hours
16 – 20 lbs4 – 5 hours
20 – 24 lbs5 – 6 hours
24 – 28 lbs6 – 7 hours
28 – 32 lbs7 – 8 hours
NOTE:  These are estimated times. Please use a meat thermometer to confirm the internal temperature has reached 173° F.  All of our turkeys contain a pop-up timer.  When that timer pops up, check your turkey to ensure it has reached 173° F.
+ add 1/2 hour for stuffed turkey


It’s important to equilibrate the internal temperature of your turkey prior to roasting for a more even cook.  Even though our turkeys are fresh, we recommend placing your turkey on a pan and placing it in the refrigerator (40°F or below) several days prior to roast.  A good rule of thumb is one half day in the refrigerator for every 4 pounds.

If your turkey is frozen, do not thaw it at room temperature.  Place your packaged turkey on a tray in the refrigerator and allow 1 full day for every 4 pounds.  If time is of the essence, you can use a cold-water method.  Keep the turkey in its original packaging and place it in to a large container.  Completely cover with cold water.  Change the water every 30 minutes to keep the turkey chilled.  Anticipate at least 30 minutes per pound.

The pan you use can affect the roasting time.  The deeper the pan, the longer the time.

Do not stuff turkey until you are ready to place it in the oven. Stuff the turkey loosely. Be sure all meat products in the stuffing are thoroughly cooked before placing in the turkey.

We highly recommend the use of both oven and meat thermometers. Insert the meat thermometer into the breast of the turkey, NOT TOUCHING THE BONE. A reading of 173° F indicates the turkey is done.

Our turkeys come equipped with a pop up timer programmed to activate when the turkey reaches an internal temperature of 178° F.  The timers are accurate, however, preparation methods such as brining, basting and deep frying can affect the mechanism.  If it has not activated within ½ hour of the scheduled roasting time, remove the turkey and check for doneness using a meat thermometer.

After removing the turkey from the oven, allow it to rest for at least 20-30 minutes before carving. Not only will the meat slice much easier, but this time will permit the juices to be absorbed evenly, resulting in a tender, more tasty turkey.

Due to possible variance in oven temperatures, we strongly recommend that all ovens be checked for accuracy at least every six months. The average household oven may vary as much as 100°F.


  1. says:

    Moist and wonderful flavor. No one knew that I had changed organic turkey brands, but one bite had them asking. No tummy aches with the huge Thanksgiving dinner, just a very happy table!
    Why a difference! What a beautiful turkey!

  2. says:

    Best turkey I ever had!!!

  3. says:

    Moist, tender and so delicious. Best turkey we have ever enjoyed. Thank you.

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