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Duck Breasts

This vacuum sealed pack of fresh boneless, skin-on duck breasts are now available in case ready trays.  They are great to grill, smoke or sauté


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  • No Hexane
    Most poultry producers use hexane-processed soybeans as a cheap source of chicken feed. But hexane pollutes the air and environment. We keep chemicals out of our feed.
  • No DDGS
    DDGS is a protein alternative producers can get at a lower cost than corn. Antibiotics are used to control bacteria in the fermentation process. Some antibiotics remain in the DDGS. We use only corn and soybeans for protein. Period.
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“Excellent! Cook fat side down, once browned flip and cook a few minutes more to…fabulous. Serve with sauce l’orange or apricot…delish. ” – Jeanne N.


All natural* boneless, skin-on duck breasts.

*Minimally processed. No artificial ingredients.

Cooking Instructions

Boxed duck breast fillets are uncooked. For safety, this product must be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 165° F as measured by a meat thermometer. Cooking times may vary.

  1. Place duck skin side down.
  2. Turn temperature to medium/high.
  3. Drain off excess fat as desired, until skin is crisp and rendering stops.
  4. Cook meat side down to an internal temperature of 165° F. Immediately remove from heat and serve.
  5. If grilling, cook each side as desired to an internal temperature of 165° F.


  1. says:

    Fabulous….. start cold in cast iron fat skin side down to redender fat … raise heat,
    Hit sides… flip to cook 3-4 min. Put in 350 oven …. rest. Slice thin —-> better then prime rib and healthier !!!

  2. says:

    Very fatty with far less meat. Very disappointed as I’ve always considered this a reliable source.

  3. says:

    Excellent! Cook fat side down, once browned flip and cook a few minutes more to…fabulous. Serve with sauce l’orange or apricot…delish.

  4. says:

    This duck breast was amazing! The flavor was delicate and delicious. If you have any doubt about trying this, the key is finding a good recipe.

    I just wish I could find it locally!

  5. says:

    Help! I purchased Duck Breast in early 2019 from my local Whole Foods market. I went back the next day it was all gone! I have been looking for more ever since. PLEASE MAKE IT AVAILABLE ONLINE for purchase.

    1. says:

      Same here! I love B & E duck and it was great to get it at Whole Foods – bring it back please!!!!

  6. says:

    These were great, but my local store stopped carrying them.. I think they just priced them to high abdc were forced to discount them as the sell by date got closer

  7. says:

    This duck breast is reliably excellent. I echo other reviewers’ frustration in finding a source. I purchased at Whole Foods again at Christmas and thought it was back but they only had it for a couple of weeks.

    1. Hi EMC! The Duck Breasts have been gaining in popularity! They should be back in stock at most Whole Foods on the East Coast by next week. Check with the meat manager at your store– he may be able to keep one back until you get to the store.

  8. says:

    I FINALLY found the duck breast back in stock at
    Whole Foods in CT but they say they are only carrying for Easter week so I’m stocking up.

    Don’t understand one thing, your directions say to cook to 165 internal? What? You don’t treat duck like chicken, Duck is treated like red meat so it should be cooked just like steak and can be safely so medium rare somewhere around 125-135. 165 will destroy these, need to change that.

    1. We’ve modified our instructions John. Thank you for the thorough review.

  9. says:

    I began eating duck in Poland. (It wasn’t very expensive there, and I was tired of pork).
    It’s simple to cook (seared on an iron skillet), but you need to pay attention as you’re cooking. Render the fat often, and do not overcook it! If you’re roasting a whole duck, definitely pierce the skin all over (but not too deeply). The fat of the duck serves as a self-basting tool.

    Yes, though it’s a bird, it’s a red meat bird, so you do not cook it to a 165′ temperature (no matter what the USDA says, sorry).
    I was at a wedding just this month and I had ordered duck. But they cooked it like it was chicken, which is what it tasted like. Yikes.

    It’s too bad that duck is undereaten in America, but it is healthy and delicious, and it’s a nice change.

    1. Thank you for the wonderful review, Jeannine. Please email us at [email protected] with your mailing information and we’ll get some coupons in the mail.

  10. says:

    Best duck I have found

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