Organically Speaking
Many of us take the time to pause in January and resolve to improve a behavior or accomplish a personal goal. It can also be a time of self-reflection. What if the resolution you make this year resulted in a healthier you AND a healthier environment? Organic practices improve the health of soil, air, and water. Although there is still so much to learn, healthier soil imposes nutrient density, strengthened immunity, and disease prevention on human health. Choosing organic is a way consumers can make a more comprehensive impact on human health and well-being.
Bell & Evans organic chickens are fed only U.S grown certified organic grains. The organic practices used to farm organic grains are powerful tools to preserve the health of our soil by increasing soil’s organic matter and helping it become more resilient to support life both above and below the ground. While some organic producers import “organic” grains from other parts of the world to save costs, Bell & Evans supports U.S. farms where we can certify the authenticity of organic practices and deliver true organic products to consumers. We are partnered with organic pioneer Rodale Institute and Cargill to incentivize U.S. farmers to transition acreage from conventional to organic management with organic crop consulting services and market access, specifically with Bell & Evans.
We do not all have to be farmers to steward the land. We can start by prioritizing the quality of our foods and how it is produced. We can shift our New Year’s diets away from calorie counting and macronutrient shaming to a more simple and sustainable plate that is filled with uncompromised, whole foods.